There are 130,000 species of the Thread-Waisted Wasp discovered so far. The one pictured here is Eremnophila aureonotata. Some, such as the Great Golden Digger Wasp, go by other names. The female Thread-Waisted Wasp digs tunnels into which she places an insect of choice of the particular variety and onto which they lay an egg. This one especially favors caterpillars of sphinx moths, owlet moths, and of skipper butterflies. The larva that hatches eats the paralyzed host. These insect hosts are often considered pests by humans. The adult Thread-Waisted Wasps generally feed on nectar. They are not aggressive toward humans but may defend themselves if molested. This video has some fascinating scenes and explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwS4-6MlMew.